
Declarations over Indiana

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Indiana is “on fire” for God. As we pray, God changes us to be more like him.

When people advocate for righteousness and truth, we will hear about it on the news. The culture of Indiana will center around the truth.

We will say “YES” to God’s invitations, and God will bring revival to our communities. The people of Indiana bring God great joy. He invites every person to trust Him and celebrates every “yes”.

God rewards us for seeking him. Indiana will encounter God.

Every person--young and old--will have a passion to serve God. Every person will be empowered to do what God has called them to do.

We will see many fruits of salvation in our state. Healing, worship, hope, and incredible faith will be normal to us.

It is easy for God to work with us because we are listening to his guidance. We are in God’s army. We are ready to go where he sends us!


Indiana will be a world ministry center. We will receive the saints for training and encouragement. Then, we will send them out to teach the world about God’s kingdom.

Indiana is instrumental in bringing revival across the nation. God is enlarging our sphere of influence and our ability to minister in his name.

God is raising up people with great levels of faith. As these people minister, healing will happen in Indiana like never before.

Indiana will host 24/7 houses of prayer. We will see answers to our prayers. We will receive breakthroughs in our challenges.

A “canopy” of prayer is being established over Indiana. Revival in Indiana will be easier than ever before. God’s kingdom will spread rapidly under this protective covering.

Indiana is fertile ground for God’s teaching. When God sends us his spiritual leaders, we are prepared to receive them and their words.

As we persist in our prayers, God will bless our small actions with big results.


Indiana will be unified as children of God. The man-made labels and barriers that separate us will fall away. People of every race, age, and background will love God and each other.

The walls between Christian denominations shall break down. In Indiana, “The Church” will have unity in Christ.

The truth about Jesus will prevail. False teachings about God will be unable to perpetuate in Indiana.

The Holy Spirit and all His gifts shall be welcomed in the church.


Indiana’s connection to Washington D.C. is a positive one. Our prayers shall influence the culture of our state and our nation.

God is pouring out his spirit extravagantly in Indiana. Our communities will be transformed by this outpouring.

Indiana belongs to God, and his kingdom is established here.

Life is cherished in Indiana. We have a reputation for protecting life.

Indiana will have a reputation for celebrating God’s goodness.

Indiana shall be abortion-free. God will heal and restore every woman who has had an abortion.

Indiana will show unmistakable proof of God’s presence and goodness.

Indiana will be a “first-strike” state regarding prison reform. Indiana will provide a godly example in the treatment of prisoners.

God will remove debt and other things that destroy our freedom.

God will restore our most desolate cities. When God establishes his kingdom, he will make all our cities strong!

Indiana is a state of completion. Every work that God begins in Indiana shall be finished!